It's good to know that when I get to the heel portion of the Coriolis sock I'll have the markers I need. Here you can notice what I'm using at the moment. Yes, it's a loop of horrible yellow yarn.

That's a detail of the 'swirl' in the construction. The next image shows how far I've gotten overall (this is the 1st sock). I tried on the toe after 15 or so rows and decided that the sock felt tight. I increased 8 stitches out of the pattern, and now I'm hoping that it doesn't mess up the sock or end up too loose after all.

It feels somewhat weird to knit these as the yarn is a lot thinner than I'm used to knitting with 4mm needles. The socks will not be very warm or thick. Otherwise the yarn feels good and I like the colours a lot. The pattern hasn't been too complex up until now, but the really challenging parts are yet to come. More on those later!
Just spamming your comment-box, so other's won't feel intimidated to comment themselves. And also i wan't to get all the followup comments in my e-mail so i can see if someone comments. I hope so.
I like those socks. Who are you knitting them for? (whom?)
I hope you will try those wild and weird socks, whose pattern you showed me.
Olen niin vastahankainen, etten rekisteröidy sitten mihinkään, vaikka se estäisi jonkin blogin kommentoinnin. Nyt vaan tämä harmittaa niin, että ajattelin kysyä, oletko tarkoituksella evännyt tuon toisen blogisi anonyymikommentoinnin? Moneen kirjoitukseen tekisi mieli kommentoida, mut ku ei oo tunnuksia mihinkään vaadituista palveluista, eikä huvittais hankkiakaan.
Hei! Joo en ollut tajunnut tuota ettei nimettömänä kommentointi onnistu, muutin asetukset nyt. Toivottavasti jaksat vielä kommentoida :)
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